National Organisations

Below is a list of the National Organisations that play a key part within the sector, as well as the key roles that they play.

  • Education Outdoors New Zealand (EONZ)

An organisation supporting education outside the classroom (EOTC) and education outdoors.

EONZ website

  • Mountain Safety Council (MSC)

An organisation with a mandate to encourage safe participation in land-based outdoor activities.

MSC website

  • Recreation Aotearoa (RA)

Recreation Aotearoa works at an agency, industry, and professional level to build capability, develop partnerships, and equip individuals and organisations with the skills they need to deliver high-quality recreation experiences that engage participants.

RA website

  • Register of Outdoor Safety Auditors (ROSA)

A professional body that provides representation, advocacy, coherence, support, and direction to outdoor safety auditors.

ROSA website

  • Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA)

An association that represents the tourism industry.

TIA website

  • Water Safety New Zealand (WSNZ)

An association that works with organisations, individuals, and the public to reduce the incidents of drowning and injury.

WSNZ website